Planning & Development Services


Planning and Zoning

PADD helps member communities develop comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances, community surveys, brownfields projects, and substandard/blight surveys.

Studies and Surveys

PADD staff has the expertise and experience to complete surveys and studies efficiently on a range of development and population related topics. PADD members also draw from their pooled knowledge of common issues to approach problems effectively and comprehensively.

Grant Writing and Review

PADD assists member communities write grants for public works projects and provides grant administration services to implement grant projects.

Brownfields Redevelopment

A brownfield typically is a commercial or industrial property that is vacant, abandoned, or underutilized and may be impacted by hazardous substances, pollutants, or other contaminants.


PADD has worked with communities on housing rehab in the past and is exploring partnering to address further housing needs in new ways.

We also provide nuisance abatement services for member communities.

Demographic Data

Browse for Panhandle county and city level demographic and economic data.