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National Community Development Week 2021
April 7, 2021
The objective of National Community Development Week is to educate Congressional Members and the
community on the importance of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and the
HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program, their impact on the community, and the need for
increased program funding.
National Community Development Week was created in 1986 to bring national attention to the CDBG
Program at a time when the program was facing scrutiny by Congress. The week-long celebration has
expanded to include the HOME Program. National Community Development Week provides the
opportunity for communities to promote, educate and advocate on behalf of both programs. It is
intentionally held during the Congressional appropriations season to allow for a concerted grassroots
effort and voice to be heard on the importance of both programs and their impact on communities
nationwide. It is important for all communities that receive these resources to participate in National
Community Development Week to amplify our grassroots voice.
National Community Development Week is designed to focus local as well as national attention on the
CDBG and HOME programs. It provides a united voice of support and harnesses the power of grassroots
engagement to educate members of Congress and the community on the successes of the programs and
their value to local communities.
Although spending for the current fiscal year is not yet set, National Community Development Week will
occur during a critical time when Congress is making decisions about spending levels, so make sure that
you are a part of the conversation by participating in National Community Development Week. We will be seeking increased funding for CDBG and HOME in FY 2022 and your participation in National
Community Development Week helps tremendously in these efforts.
To see the complete document in which this excerpt was taken from, follow this link: https://coscda.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/National-CD-Week-Tool-Kit-2021-CDBG-Coalition-Cover-.pdf